Gred A Monocrystalline solar panels, 150w , 12volt max18v, 8-10 imp.

Gred A Monocrystalline solar panels, 150w , 12volt max18v, 8-10 imp.
below is a compilation of information on solar panels, their usage and installation
How to choose the right equipment for my needs.
For simplicity, let's assume you have a 100 watt device that you want to power with free solar energy for 10 hours each night.
To figure out what size solar panel, batteries, charge controller and inverter you need, follow the simple steps below.
1. Calculate how much energy is needed. 100 Watts x 10 hours = 1,000 Watt hours. That is the total energy you will need.
2. Now calculate what size solar panel you will need. Based on a ten hour day of light, the calculation is simple:
1,000 Watt hours / 10 hours sunlight = 100 Watt solar panel.
3. Calculate what size batteries you need. 1,000 Watt hours divided by 12 Volts = 83 Amp Hours of reserve battery power.
1,000 / 12 = 83.3
An average marine deep cycle battery will work well here. Select a larger size battery to be sure, say 100 Amp hours capacity.
4. To figure what size solar charge controller is needed, take your solar panel wattage, which is 100 watts divided by 12 Volts.
100 / 12 = 8.3 Amps.
Always go larger, in this case use a 10 Amp solar charge controller.
5. Calculate what size inverter is needed. That's the easy part. You need to power a 100 Watt load, so select an inverter that has
at least 100 Watts continuous power rating.
Swiftlets sound frequencies

I had received numerous calls regarding the effectiveness of Swiftlets sound for farm
The questions were…..What are considered good sound? How do we find good sound? How do we know the sound we bought is a good sound? What are the criteria of good sound? …. As usual the lists can go on. .
I hesitated and tried not to discuss too much about it, otherwise it would make those who had purchased many Cd sounds confuse and in dilemma whether what they had bought is worth to buy or which Cd amongst the whole bunch they have is really good.
These were the common questions asked by my readers and sometimes it takes me hours to explain to them. Since there so many of them interested to know and wanting to distinguish between good and poor Swiftlet sound, lets revisit what I had written in my previous articles on sound and further explain thoroughly.. Before that let’s have some clear picture of what is sound.
For humans, hearing (sound) is normally limited to frequencies between about 12 Hzand 20,000 Hz (20kHz), although these limits are not definite. The upper limit generally decreases with age. Other species have a different range of hearing. For example, animal like dogs can perceive vibrations higher than 20 kHz. As a signal perceived by one of the major sense is relative sensitive.
Sound is used by many species for detecting danger, navigation, predation, and communication. Many species, such as birds, marines and terrestrial mammals, have also developed special organs to produce sound. This is vital for survival.
Sound frequency is measured in Herz (Hz) or a thousand of Hz which is Khz. The frequency range of Swiftlet echolocation calls is between 1-16 kHz (fullard et al.,1993). These frequencies fall in the range of human hearing which is about 12-20,000Hz.
That is why we are able to hear the Swiftlet clicking sound in farms. Besides the clicking sound for navigation other sounds that are in high and low pitch are use to communicate and to socialize.
The low and high pitch chirping sound from Swiftlet represents certain socialize behavior, thus if you’re experience enough you would be able to distinguish these sounds. Thru my observation there are sound produced by Swiftlet for certain communication purposes. e.g.: the stress sound is produced to inform others about danger, female in heat creates sound during mating season, etc.
Besides that sounds are use for communicate and socialize during mating seasons. If a played sound consists of tones and pitches that associated with heating sound then during the mating season it would attract lots of birds to approach the source of sound thus entering the farm.
So knowing how to identify and distinguish good and poor sound is very important if you want birds to stay and make nests in your farm.
What is good sound? This frequently asked by my readers. A good sound should consist of high and low pitch (in term of frequency) specially set during recording of sound. It is just like tuning the timing of a car engine prior to racing. If the tuning is not done correctly or simply being tuned then the car performance would be jeopardized.
Don’t be mistaken by the “common sound” which is duplicated from one CD to another. It is being copied or burned. This is done without adjusting its frequencies and its pitches. Furthermore certain parts of unattractive sounds in common sound are not removed prior to editing and duplication and commonly copied and burned and sold to others or passes from one farm’s owner to another.
This is what I call “common sound”. I do not believe in using “common sound”. Every farm should have its identity and this make the farm unique. Using a “popular common sound” the chances are your neighbors might be using it too, perhaps in a roll of shop there are few farms using it. Therefore the uniqueness is gone. Immaterial how expensive the “common sound” is or how some claimed it to be good as long at an area there are more than few farms using the same sound then the uniqueness is gone.So the definition of common sound: A sound uses by many farms.
With many farms using the same sound the conditions of Sound Hypnotism will no longer works. It sounds foreign isn’t it? Have you all ever heard about sound hypnotism? I guess not. Those who are experience in Swiftlet sound knew what I meant. In fact sound hypnotism is not new, it has been there since sound system being employed into farm. It is a matter of how in-depth your knowledge in Swiftlet sound is otherwise sound hypnotism is totally foreign to you even though you may have collections of thousand of swiftlet Cd sound.
This is where the farm identity conditions and uniqueness (hypnotism) come in. Did you ever wonder why certain farms that have so many nests and birds perhaps ten of thousands yet when one build a farm next to this existing farm he is unable to attract birds from this old successful farms? Because the old farm has or indirectly conditioned the birds with it farm identity and uniqueness (hypnotism).
Did you ever wonder why those old Sifus always say “never give or exchange your Switlet Cd sound with others”? Because once too many farms are using it then the sound would lose it uniqueness. I strongly believe in that.
A good sound should be carefully mixed with attractive sound of Swiftlet chirping. A combination of many different tunes of low and high pitch that can attract young birds as well as old birds to come into the farm to stay and to make nests.
In order to do this one must understand the interpretation of low and high pitch of the swiftlet chirping and it sequences. Every pitch low or high and it sequences represent certain communications. It’s more complex than we thought. This is beyond sound clarity and sharpness which is the basic of Swiftlet sound recording. Even if the sound of the Cd is very clear and sharp but if it doesn’t have the attractive pitches in it then sound hypnotism will not work.
When I do my sound recording and remix I make sure all the attractive sounds are put into a Cd and setting the right pitch for every chirping. All the Cd sounds that I remixed for my readers are the only copy none of them shared the same copy. All are labeled and recorded specially for every each farm. The purpose is to create uniqueness.

more info at www.bcae1.com/passxovr.htm
"Conductive" Wire Glue WITHOUT Soldering

Swiftlets hunter Amp
Solar Chases moles, voles, gophers ,snake burrowing rodents

Product Description
Complied with environmental criteria
No chemicals
Chases moles, voles, gophers ,snake burrowing rodents
Runs on solar energy, 24h-autonomy with battery
Weatherproof and UV-resistant
Dimensions: 100mm*85mm*365mm
Power: 0.2w
Solar panel: Monocrystalline 60mAh, 4v
Rechargeale battery(incl. ): 2PCS, Ni-MH, 1.2v/700mAh
MPPT 20A Solar Controller Regulator

1.work at Maximum Power Point of V-A curve
2.increase efficiency at 10%-30%.
3.Overcharge protection
4.Short Circuit Protect
MPPT series controller could intelligently track input voltage of solar panel, which could let solar panel always work at Maximum Power Point of V-A curve. Compared with normal solar charge controller, MPPT series controller could increase efficiency at 10%-30%.
1. Features of MPPT series controller
Ø Overcharge protection (automatic reset)
Ø Over-discharge protection (automatic reset)
Ø Battery Reverse Current Protection
Ø Overloading Protection
Ø Short Circuit Protection
Ø Reverse Polarity Connection Protection
Ø Temperature Compensation
Ø Lighting protection
2. Advantages of MPPT series controller
Mppt solar controller 20A

Main Features | |
| Intelligent Maximum Power Point Tracking technology |
| Built-in DSP controller with high performance |
| Automatic battery voltage detection |
| Three-stage charging optimizes battery performance |
| Auto load-detection |
| Multifunction LCD displays detailed information |
| Reverse polarity protection of solar panel and battery |
| Overcharge and overload protection |
| IP 43 protection for outdoor and harsh environment |
| Suitable for battery types of sealed lead acid, vented Gel, and NiCd |
| Standard RJ45 port or optional RS-485 communication port for made from taiwan |
MPPT 10A Solar Controller Regulator 10 Amp

MPPT 10A Solar Controller Regulator 10 Amp
MPPT stands for Maximum Power Point Tracking
An MPPT controller is simply an electronic device that alters the voltage and amperage of the solar panel output to more closely match the charging needs of the battery bank and reduce the amount of electricity spent as waste heat. In general, using an MPPT charge controller will increase the efficiency of your solar panel/battery bank set-up by anywhere from 10-30%, depending on the size of the panels, type of battery used, etc.
Here's an example: A solar panel will generally put out 17 volts or so.
Say one panel puts out 10 amps at 17 volts. A 12VDC battery during bulk charging phase only requires 14.6 volts. Without the MPPT charge controller, you'd be charging the batteries at 10 amps @ 17 VDC, and if they're wet cells, boiling off some electrolyte in the process.
Now, let's add an MPPT charge controller. The charge controller takes the solar panel output of 10 Amps @ 17 VDC and will change it to 11.64 amps @ 14.6 VDC... effectively giving the battery 16.4% more charge for the same time period. The charge controller uses a tiny bit of the solar panel's output to transform the output to the batteries―on a good MPPT charge controller, this is less than 2-3% of the power going from the panels to the batteries.
AGM batteries are really required to maximize the benefits of an MPPT charge controller, since they have much higher current acceptance rates.
Tracer 1210 Features
-12/24V auto recognized, 10A rated charging current.
-Advance maximum power point tracking technology to optimize using the solar system
-Automatically recognize day/night
-Timer function with 1-15 hours option for street light
-Two load outputs. Each load can be individually controlled, and enhance the flexibility of the system.
- Sealed, Gel, and Flooded battery option
-Adopting temperature compensation and correcting the charging and discharging parameters automatically,,improving the battery life
-Electronic protection: Over charging, over discharging, overload, short circuit, and reverse polarity of both solar module(s) and battery.
-RJ45 interface with remote meter MT-2, convenient to check operating parameters of controllers.